Diamond X-Ray Lenses


Precision Ablation Laser Machining

With over a decade of laser microfabrication experience, PALM  Scientific provides scientific community access to fabrication details they cannot find elsewhere. Currently we operate femtosecond, picosecond, nanosecond and microsecond laser systems with wavelengths from 1064 nm to 206 nm furnished with motorized optics and sample positioning for custom laser micromachining of virtually all materials.

Motorized steering of the laser beam
Semi-sphere geometry on diamond

Surface Profiling, Drilling and Cutting

PALM processes the following materials: Diamond, Sapphire, Ruby, Quartz, Alumina, Glass, YAG, Glassy carbon, MgO, Silicon, Tungsten, Molybdenum, Copper, Stainless Steel and various other alloys.

Using in-line metrology  for a closed-loop machining PALM achieves sub-micron precision in a mm-scale geometry.

Besides laser microfabrication we offer polishing and chemical processing of samples.